H2 Times

A comprehensive online and offline hydrogen platform with world-leading features. News and magazine with a focus on lifestyle and education.

The editorial team provides information about molecular hydrogen in an engaging and novel way. It features interviews with experts, celebrities who are in touch with hydrogen issues. Stories of people who have had their lives changed by molecular hydrogen are also an integral part of it. The first hydrogen newspaper covers topics in the health, beauty, energy, industrial and medical sectors.

6 published

30+ interviews

Printed and online version

200+ published articles concerning hydrogen

“The world of molecular hydrogen never ceases to fascinate me! Here at H2 Times we bring you the latest discoveries, innovations and events related to the H2 Global Group and this amazing element.”

Eliška Ulehlová
Spokesperson for H2 Global Group and Editor-in-Chief of H2 Times News

What do we write about

H2 Times is H2 Global Group’s exclusive media platform, providing comprehensive coverage of hydrogen technologies in the HealthTech, MedTech, Energy, Industrial and Medical sectors.

As the world’s first hydrogen newspaper, we connect science with practice, popularizing the latest discoveries and reporting on innovations that are shaping the future of hydrogen. Our editorial team travels across the country and around the world to bring you breaking news, expert interviews and stories of people whose lives have been changed by molecular hydrogen

Current news

We report on the latest research, applications and investments in molecular hydrogen.

Exclusive interviews

We bring you insights from experts, scientists, doctors and celebrities who are actively involved in hydrogen technology.

Stories and experiences

We share authentic stories of people who have discovered a new dimension of vitality and regeneration through hydrogen.

Field Reports

We follow the most important hydrogen events, scientific conferences and projects that are shaping the future of the industry.

Education and popularization

 We explain complex topics in a clear and engaging way to make molecular hydrogen appeal to the professional and general public.

Available to everyone

H2 Times is available not only online, but also in printed form – for free at our store. Each edition brings exclusive content that expands the view of hydrogen technologies in the context of health, science and modern lifestyle.

Who wrote about us

We are regularly quoted in leading Czech and foreign media that follow the development of hydrogen technologies. We provide up-to-date overviews, analyses and expert commentaries on the most important trends in the field of molecular hydrogen.


H2 Times offers multimedia content that brings the world of hydrogen technology to life not only in articles, but also in video reports and interviews. Our video portal features discussions with leading experts, overviews of the latest innovations and recordings from key conferences.

Latest news

S vodíkem proti obezitě u dětí

S vodíkem proti obezitě u dětí

V Léčebných Lázních Bludov započal unikátní výzkum, který zkoumá vliv molekulárního vodíku na hubnutí u obézních dětí. Tento inovativní přístup, realizovaný ve spolupráci s Fakultou tělesné kultury Univerzity Palackého a H2 Global Group, by mohl přinést revoluci v...

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Propojení zdraví, pohybu a inovací s vodíkem

Propojení zdraví, pohybu a inovací s vodíkem

Festival Yoga & Fyzio Fest přináší jedinečné spojení celostní medicíny, fyzioterapie, jógy, fitness a zdravého životního stylu. Cílem je nabídnout návštěvníkům široké spektrum přístupů k zdravému pohybu, a díky partnerství s H2 Global Group, i inovativní metody...

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Contact us

10 + 10 =

H2 Times s.r.o., IČ: 17394007

sídlem Muglinovská 154/73, Muglinov, 712 00 Ostrava

zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném u Krajského soudu v Ostravě pod sp.zn.: C 90058
